Sunday, September 12, 2010

Man that profile picture is ugly

I uploaded the first post to see how things work and being a person who likes instant gratification I wanted to see what it looked like. Well if you can get by that ugly profile mug here goes some more not so ugly. I don't have a lot of interests but what I am doing to keep sane and what will comprise most of the content in here, is, doing things with my wife, grandsons, trains, garden  and my dawg Ruffus.


My wife Carole on the dinner train last night







He got a hair cut a few days after this picture but I think this is how a Golden Doodle should look

OK here I go

I am a 70 year old married, 46 years, my wife says that is the longest she has gone steady with one boy. We have two sons and two grandsons, one 18 and the other 18 months.

I am a recently retired, well not quite, officially I retire this coming Thursday, September 17, after 50 years and one day of service to the people of Canada. 32 years in the Military then 18 as a civil servant. I met a lot of people all over the world, travelled a great deal and I am satisfied with my accomplishments and have enjoyed my career immensely.

They say you should keep busy when you retire so I am trying hard to do that. This blog will be a record of my keeping busy, happenings with the family and probably the occasional comment about what is going on around me. (Good thing this has a spell check, I have made three mistakes already that it caught. I wish everyone would proof read and spell check), see I told you I would add comments.